Communication Student Learning

Central Middle School is involved in piloting a provincial initiative for the 2022-2023 school year. Along with eight other middle schools in SD61, we will see all classroom teachers use a proficiency scale, instead of letter grades, to assess and communicate student learning. This change can be seen across the province of BC, as schools work to align with the BC Ministry of Education’s communicating student learning framework and curriculum. We anticipate that by September 2023, all schools, K-9 in BC will be using the proficiency scale.

Why the Shift?

As you saw when your child was in primary, proficiency scales are based on communicating and describing each student’s growth and progression along a continuum of learning. All communication will continue to reflect strengths, areas for improvement and ways to deepen learning. Research is clear that a traditional letter grades signal the end of learning by suggesting that a particular subject is mastered or completed. A proficiency scale, as a continuum of learning, is not punitive and instead, fosters a growth mindset for students, empowering confidence that our abilities will continue to develop with hard work, effort, and determination.

We believe it is important for families to receive information about their child(ren)’s learning. The shift to the proficiency scale will:

  • Promote student engagement with their own assessment through goal setting and student reflection
  • Focus on learning as a continuous process on skill development
  • Support a better understanding of learning with a focus on next steps
  • Promote a growth-mindset or a belief that we can all get better
  • Foster hope and a culture of learning

Letter to Families Proficiency Scales – Oct 2022 – PDF Download

We hosted a Family Information Session on Wednesday October 19 at 7pm

Parent Presentation – Proficiency Scales – Oct 2022 – SLIDES – PDF Download

For more information please visit: