Quebec Trip Meeting

This meeting is for the upcoming trip on June 1-8.


Grade 8's go to Pathway Schools for the afternoon.  Grade 5's arrive at Central from Feeder Schools for afternoon.

District Strings Finale Concert

Tonight is the District Strings Finale Concert. You are expected to be at the McKinnon Gym at UVIC at 6:15pm tonight, in uniform. The concert starts at 7pm and will take approximately 1 hour. Please don’t worry if you did not hand in your forms – you are welcome to... Read more

CC Day #4 – early dismissal 1:27pm

Students who have completed their work and have submitted a signed parent release form will be permitted to leave at 1:27pm. Each middle school in the Greater Victoria School District has scheduled 1.4 Curriculum Completion Days during the 2018-19 school year.  These days are intended to provide additional time and... Read more

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