Hey, do you have any winter coats? Don’t throw them out. Donate them to Coats for Kids. We are collecting good quality winter coats for a local charity to someone who needs one.
We are only doing this until Friday because we have to drop the coats off at Hillside Mall this Saturday. This is another Me to We endeavour. If you are interested in this cause we are taking donations in the front foyer until Friday afternoon.
Could the Early Entrepreneur team please come to Ms. Joy’s class after you eat your lunch (12:15) so we can plan our marketing strategy. The Finance team is especially needed!
Girls Gr. 8 Rec basketball practice is at 12:15 (NOT 3pm today)
The girls grade 8 competitive team played a great game last night against SMUS, showing a ton of determination and great team play. Keep it going girls!
Volleyball – students interested in playing volleyball this season are invited to a meeting in the gym at recess. Also, information will be handed out about a match at Camosun (Chargers) next Friday. Any questions, see M. Duval.