Central Middle School – School Code of Conduct & Social Responsibility
MISSION STATEMENT – Our community works toward our students feeling safe, seen and supported.
Ecole Intermédiare Central Middle School is a community of learners that values respect, responsibility, diversity, and personal growth. Our school is committed to creating a learning environment that values inclusiveness and is free from all forms of discrimination. All words and actions should be safe, kind and respectful of self and others. All students at Central have a right to feel SAFE, SEEN, and SUPPORTED.
Who do we want to be?!!!
Central Middle School is committed to a positive culture based on mutual respect. We encourage students to reflect on their needs and the needs of others, to not merely comply with school rules, but also to go further… to demonstrate respect for themselves, others, and the environment because it’s the right thing to do. We address inappropriate behaviour, providing students with opportunities and encouragement to take ownership of their actions, fix their mistakes, and resolve issues restoratively. We are committed to a safe environment, free from discrimination, harassment, drugs and violence. We adhere to the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion as part of basic human rights.
Beyond the basic expectations discussed below, Central Middle School provides students with many great ways to have fun and further develop social responsibility. Through participation in regular classroom activities as well as numerous special events, field trips, clubs, teams, and programs, students have the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of cooperative endeavours, contributing to the school and community at large.
All of these expectations and opportunities help Central Middle School to be a safe, positive, and supportive place of learning.
Acceptable Behavior
We expect Central Middle School students to conduct themselves appropriately at school, coming to and going from school, and at any school-sponsored activity including field trips.
Expectations at school include, but are not limited to:
- Arrive on time, be in class, and be on task.
- Demonstrate respect for self, peers, staff and school property.
- Act in ways that are safe for self and others.
- Treat all people with dignity, respect and understanding
- Demonstrate honesty
- Make best efforts for all academic, athletic, and artistic pursuits.
- Take responsibility for actions, and the impact they have on others.
- Use “WITS” (Walk Away, Ignore, Talk it Out, Seek Help) when conflicts arise
- Listen to and respect the direction of all staff.
- Demonstrate understanding of using technology for learning
- Demonstrate understanding of how to use technology in positive ways
- Follow the school cell phone policy
- Dress appropriately to be safe during activities at school
- Will not participate in the selling of products unless related to school fundraising or curricular activities
Rising Expectations
We expect that as students move through the grades expectations will increase. With age and awareness, we expect:
- Increase in personal responsibility and self-discipline
- Increase in understanding of the Code of Conduct guidelines
- Increase in understanding of the need for progressive consequences
- Increase in understanding of what treating people equitably and without discrimination means and ‘looks like’
- Increase in ownership of their own actions and repairing
- Increase in ability to ask for and accept help when needed
The severity and frequency of unacceptable conduct as well as the age and maturity of students is considered in determining appropriate disciplinary action. In that:
- Responses to unacceptable conduct are pre-planned, consistent and fair
- Disciplinary action, wherever possible, is restorative, rather than punitive
- A support system and individual behavioural programs for students with unique or exceptional needs are developed.
Parent and Guardian Support and Involvement
At Central, we are very fortunate to have a supportive and friendly parent and guardian body. Our parents and guardians recognize that educating children is a process that involves a partnership between them, teachers, school staff, and the school community.
As a partnership, our parents and guardians understand the importance of a good working relationship. For these reasons, we continue to welcome and encourage them to participate fully in the life of the school. It is our hope that all parents and guardians of our school will support the Code of Conduct so we can continue to thrive, progress and achieve the best for all children. If parents ever have concerns regarding a Code of Conduct matter, please contact the school. If a concern arises with a specific staff member, please follow the process as outlined in our school district complaint policy starting with a connection with a staff member.
A safe, caring and orderly school is the foundation for a successful learning environment, and parents and guardians are an integral part of this. We ask for your support in modeling and reinforcing our Code of Conduct at every opportunity.
Cell Phones and Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs)
Our school supports the use of technology through Chromebooks and iPads, however, we do not permit personal electronic mobile devices at school. Our goal is to create a more focused, respectful, and safe learning environment and school community by removing what we have found to be a source of distraction and disconnection between students and their learning, as well as in interpersonal relationships. If a cell phone is found in use, students are asked to sign it into the office for the remainder of the day. Please contact Ms. Pierik with any questions or concerns about this policy at tpierik@sd61.bc.ca